Cartes des régions méditerranéennes du globe – Maps of the Mediterranean regions of the globe

Cartes des régions méditerranéennes du globe – Maps of the Mediterranean regions of the globe

Map of Mediterranean biomes, with indications of surface (km²) / plant richness / percentage of plant endemism
Data from  Médail F. & Quézel P. 1997. Hot-spots analysis for conservation of plant biodiversity in the Mediterranean Basin. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 84: 112-127. 1997

Mediterranean Basin hot-spots :

1/ Canary and Madeiran archipelago ; 2/ High and Middle Atlas ; 3/ Baetic-Riftan complex ; 4/ Maritime and Ligurian Alps ; 5/ Tyrrhenian islands ; 6/ Southern and Central Greece ; 7/ Crete ; 8/ Anatolia and Cyprus ; 9/ Syria-Lebanon-Israel ; 10/ Mediterranean Cyrenaic ; 11/ Kabylies -Numidie – Kroumiri

Map from :

Médail F. & Quézel P. 1997. Hot-spots analysis for conservation of plant biodiversity in the Mediterranean Basin. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 84: 112-127.

updated by

Vela E. & Benhouhou S. 2007. Evaluation d’un nouveau point chaud de biodiversité végétale dans le Bassin méditerranéen. C. R. Biologies. 330 2007 589-605